EVRYTHNG Platform - US Region - Factory Activation data are not updated
Incident Report for EVRYTHNG Product Cloud
Our engineers have manage to resume normal operations for our Factory Activation Services and data appearing to our dashboards and the application are up-to-date!
Posted Nov 28, 2020 - 16:27 UTC
Our engineers have implement a mechanism to bring our Factory Activation data up-to-date and we are starting the restoration process. Due to the large amount of data that need to be processed, we expect the system to be fully updated in 24 hours.
Posted Nov 27, 2020 - 20:43 UTC
Our engineers continue to work on this issue and we will be able to provide an ETA for the resolution of the issue over the next hour
Posted Nov 26, 2020 - 12:43 UTC
Due to the outage our cloud provider had, we've notice a few data discrepancies in our Factory Activation Dashboards and Application. Our engineers are working hard in order to fix them and bring the data reported to our services up-to-date.
Posted Nov 26, 2020 - 10:18 UTC
Our cloud provider has manage to resolve the issue, that has impacted our services. Our engineers are implementing various fixes and we expect full recovery of our services over the next hours.
Posted Nov 26, 2020 - 08:21 UTC
Our cloud provider has made progress towards resolving the issue, that has impacted our services. Our team is doing their best to minimise the impact of this disruption and resume normal operations.
Posted Nov 26, 2020 - 01:22 UTC
Our cloud provider is continue to try to resolve the issue, that has impacted our services and our team is doing their best to minimise the impact of this disruption
Posted Nov 26, 2020 - 00:04 UTC
We are currently unable to provide real time activation data and metrics, due to an issue our cloud provider is experiencing.
Posted Nov 25, 2020 - 22:06 UTC
This incident affected: ACTIVATE - CN (Factory Activation) and ACTIVATE - US (Factory Activation, Factory Activation Dashboard).